Framework Test Facility

Filling the Need for Rationalization and Energy Efficiency

As a result of the recent demands for a more streamlined and energy-efficient approach to bridge and framework construction, the use of steel and concrete composites is on the increase. Furthermore, the introduction of performance planning has resulted in a need for research into more rational constructions. In order, therefore, to satisfy these needs, it is necessary to carry out testing to confirm suitability when new building products are being studied and researched.

In November 2001, Komai Tekko Inc. completed the installation of a fully-fledged testing facility featuring reaction walls, reaction floors, and other equipment such as a 1,300-kN dynamic load tester. In addition to the wind-resistance research and oscillation-prevention techniques which are made possible by our wind-tunnel facility, this new installation now allows structures to be dynamically tested to confirm their resistance to repeated loading. Accordingly, we can now offer complete technical support for the resolution of problems relating to dynamic loading, and whenever new building types or styles are to be used, prototypes are created so that strength can be confirmed using this test equipment.

Of the various strength parameters applicable to bridges and other constructions, it is crucial that the fatigue strength ? that is, the resistance to repeated loading by automobiles, trains, and the like ? be increased in order to extend the service life. Our dynamic testing facility can be used to efficiently confirm this strength through high-speed repeated loading, and we intend to continue utilizing this equipment to its maximum in active research and development of more-rational bridges and other constructions.

Main testing equipment and devices

Details of the main equipment in the Load Testing Room and the Test Room are as follows:

Load Testing Room
Building Specifications 12.0 m (width) x 18.0 m (length) x 8.95 m(effective length)
Reaction floor Thickness = 1.2 m
Reaction walls Thickness = 1.5 m
Dynamic load tester
(Fatigue tester)
Dynamic load �ス1,300 kN Stroke = �ス150 mm
Static load Static load �ス1,500 kN Stroke = �ス150 mm
Static load tester �ス5,000 kN Stroke = 220 mm
Loading frame 1
Ceiling crane 1 x 100 kN
Test Room
Specifications 6.0 m (width) x 10.0 m (length)
Main equipment Amsler type testing machine (�ス2,000 kN)
Charpy impact tester
Brinell hardness tester
Vickers hardness tester
Rockwell hardness tester
Micro-Vickers hardness tester
Reaction Floor Specifications
RC construction, 1.2-m thickness otal reaction = 5,000 kN
For 2-point support 2,500 kN or less per point, 3.0 m minimum between supports
For 4-point support 2,500 kN or less (per 3-m square)
Reaction Wall Specifications
RC construction, 1.5-m thickness 1,000 kN (per point), limit height = 5.0 m
Allowable bending stress at foundation: 500 kNm

For any additional information regarding the content of this page, please contact the Technical Research Office.

Framework Test Facility

33-10 Shintomi, Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture
Telephone : 0439-87-7405
E-Mail :

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